Iron and adolescents
The human body continuously requires iron in trace amounts to carry out numerous functions throughout one’s lifetime. That’s especially true for the adolescent years. Iron is important for the development of all of the body’s tissues, including the brain1. Iron deficiency in adolescence has been…
Could you be at risk for iron deficiency?
Approximately 1 out of every 13 Canadian women has low iron levels in her bloodstream indicating an iron deficiency. That might not sound like a lot, but it adds up to over 1.2 million of Canadian women aged 20 or more! Many women don’t make the…
Consommez-vous suffisamment de fer ? Je ne l'étais pas.
Why do we care about iron? Iron is essential in maintaining many body functions, including the production of hemoglobin, the molecule in your blood that carries oxygen. Understand the importance of iron and early diagnosis of iron deficiency…
Meilleures sources non animales de fer
When you think of iron, you likely think of red meat. It’s true that red meat is one of the best, most well-absorbed forms of iron, but a plant-based diet can deliver iron too. Iron is essential for transporting oxygen to the body’s tissues and is also…
Les trois étapes de la carence en fer
Iron deficiency is the most common global nutrient deficiency, and while it occurs less frequently here at home it still represents a real challenge for certain at risk groups within our population. Although I always champion a food first approach…
Les donneurs de sang fréquents sont à risque de carence en fer
Un apport adéquat en fer est une considération nutritionnelle fondamentale pour tous les donneurs de sang, en particulier les femmes, les donneurs fréquents et les autres catégories à risque élevé de carence en fer, comme les végétaliens et les végétariens. Selon votre statut en fer……
Qui est à risque de carence en fer ?
Si vous avez déjà reçu un diagnostic de faible teneur en fer ou d'anémie ferriprive, vous savez à quel point c'est frustrant. Comprenez ce qu'est le fer et pourquoi il est important, qui pourrait être à risque de carence, comment optimiser votre alimentation et quand un supplément peut être nécessaire.
Carence en fer : suis-je à risque ?
Feeling tired all the time? It could be more than just the exhaustion of your daily grind or regular exercise. Read on to learn about the risk factors, signs and symptoms of iron deficiency…
Je pense que mon fer est bas, et maintenant ?
If you suspect that your iron is low, talk to your primary care provider to discuss getting your iron levels checked. If your iron levels are low a few different treatments may be recommended. Learn more about….